Shipping Information

Shipping Methods

We now ship via USPS Priority Mail. The shipping charges are much less than before and our cocoa should arrive even faster in many cases. This shipping method is the default choice but we still offer UPS as a secondary shipper.

Shipping Rates

All orders that are about 1 lb or less will now be shipped with a flat rate of $5.95 to anywhere in the continental US. This includes a single pound bag, 2 half-pound bags, 2 sets of gift packets or 3 sets of samplers. Larger orders will have rates that starting at $5.95, up to $11.95 based on weight and distance from the Boston area. The maximum shipping charge is $11.95 per package for all larger orders up to 5 lbs of cocoa. This includes a single 5 pound bag and tub (note: only one of these can be shipped per package). If your order is much larger, please contact us first for a shipping quote.

Handling Charges

With the switch to Priority Mail we have our removed per package handling surcharges.

Return Policy

If you have to return anything, please contact us first at . Please do not send back opened bags of cocoa mix.